Trump will awaken the people to proclaim plutocracy dead.
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Scotland, Find Your Inner Braveheart and Run with It

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore. Who is David Cameron to stop an entire nation of people saying no to him? Online Again
We’re back online! What happened? The site went down for several weeks due to a technical error and human unavailability – we’re all volunteers and can often find ourselves short of time due to life’s pressures, but it’s all sorted now thanks to our IT guy! Thank you for your patience and please let us […]
The Story of Capitalist Freedom: A Trashy Novel

Can the millennial generation do better than the moon landing, better than the Internet, better than car culture, better than global warming? Our generation should end global poverty by creating meritocracies.
The Perversion of Contemporary Philosophy in Education

Education has lost the mystery it once held, traded it for economy.
The Childhood Myth

This generation is utterly confusing. We’re told from the time we’re barely old enough to tie our shoes that the world is our oyster, that we can do anything if we just set our minds to it, and a slew of other garbage later refuted by hard experience. We grow up to discover that, though […]
There is no meritocracy: It’s just the 1 percent, and the game is rigged | Salon

Our politicians love to call the system a “meritocracy”, while ignoring reality. Obama promised change: out with the old and in with the new. Why then are so many members of his cabinet part of the same clique that have run Washington for decades? A true Meritocracy would give everyone the same chance to reach […]
Celebrate Black History Month? You’re Damn Right I Don’t!

You’re damn right I don’t celebrate Black History Month. I don’t celebrate any holidays or time-of-the-month “menstruating” happy days. It’s all nonsense. Unless the celebration is accomplished by the living of one’s own life—unless every day we live the principles of great men and women, where we look to the present and future as the […]
Bosnia presents a terrifying picture of Europe’s future – and a way out | The Guardian

Many protest movements are criticized for having few positive ideas. Concerned people assemble to demand change, but apologists for the status quo ask, “How do I know your ideas won’t make the bad government even worse?” The strongest position that protesters can hold is that of supporting Meritocracy. Meritocracy has actionable ideas that will improve […]
Post-Humanity: Transhumanism, Libertarianism, and the End of History—Part II

In the United Kingdom, the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis to select a child’s sex is illegal. Every year, tens of British parents—including prominent politicians—travel abroad to the United States and elsewhere to circumvent the legal restrictions against PGD in their home country. The lesson: legal prohibitions […]