Malala took a gobsmacking portion of initiative.
Calling All Nerds! Calling All Nerds!

The Hand of Hermione is a symbol to our interests. Let’s make it more ubiquitous and effective than the Nazi symbol or the peace sign ever was.
The Perversion of Contemporary Philosophy in Education

Education has lost the mystery it once held, traded it for economy.
Translated FAQs

Thanks to the work of many volunteer translators, we now have: The Meritocracy FAQ in Spanish, German, Serbian and Turkish. The Inheritance Tax FAQ in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Serbian and Turkish. Thank you to: Dante Fenix (ES), Gereon (DE), Break Rules (SR), Mario Silvestre (PT) and Devrim Yozgat (TR) for their respective translations. Are you […]
Nepotism Is Deplorable

Nepotism constitutes yet another paradigm that clings to this world like an insatiable parasite, supporting the power elite and ensuring their survival. No matter how insipid their offspring are, they will always have an advantage over you. What this means is that spoiled, privileged children will continue the legacy of the bane of humanity — […]
True Merit: A Portrait

In order to implement Meritocracy, we must have a good foundation. We ought to define what we mean by merit. After all, without a clear enough definition of what constitutes merit, the vision we are aiming for becomes too vague. Nothing so vague would bode well for us, especially when it concerns the primary substance […]
The Unfair World

Life isn’t fair. We hear this terrible excuse for the ills of this world all the time. It is meant to somehow ease the pain whenever something unfair happens to us. It is this kind of lazy thinking that allows the world to remain unfair. We are in need of some real parenting. Many great […]
Meritocracy: Call to Action

Can’t you feel it? The passion? The intensity? The fire? This is one of the many faces of Meritocracy, the political system of the people, by the people, for the people. Meritocracy is reinforced through the five principles: No nepotism. No cronyism. No discrimination. Equal opportunities. Rewarding merit. Anyone who has a problem with any […]
The Spirit of Meritocracy

Oh, boy. Another new idea for a political system. Again with the brilliant attempts to fix our broken society. One more fad meant to whip up the masses into a frenzy for a couple of weeks. Haven’t we been here before? Well, if you must. Yawn—let’s get this over with. Many people resort to this […]
That’s Meritocratic Democracy

Meritocracy is not what you’ve heard. Equal Opportunity for Every Child: That’s Meritocratic Democracy—true Meritocracy—the political, economic, and educational means by which humankind will transcend mediocrity and dissatisfaction, and transform life in this world into vibrant communities of fulfilled individuals who embody excellence. Free Market Democracy Whom does the market serve? Does it serve the […]