So what is the connection between a movie about a swashbuckling crew of thieves and a rational political system? Simple: Jack Sparrow.
Celebrate Black History Month? You’re Damn Right I Don’t!
You’re damn right I don’t celebrate Black History Month. I don’t celebrate any holidays or time-of-the-month “menstruating” happy days. It’s all nonsense. Unless the celebration is accomplished by the living of one’s own life—unless every day we live the principles of great men and women, where we look to the present and future as the […]
Meritocracy Tablet: Never Set in Stone
Carrying on tradition? For what purpose and to what end? Is it that we as humans are so unsure of ourselves, so afraid of progress and open-mindedness that we would rather hold dear the ways of decaying ideas and systems that have long been washed away with the ocean of change and improvement? Are we […]
Implementation of Meritocracy: After the Why, What About the How?
An introduction to the idea of Meritocracy and its validity often raises the question, “How will the ‘best’ rise to the top?” Answers lead to more questions: “How will we implement this version of Meritocracy in a reasonable way? What are the steps needed to bring this plan to fruition?” From the answers to these […]
Meritocratic Democracy vs. Plain Old Democracy
Red States vs. Blue States. Pepsi vs. Coke. Lebron vs. Kobe. It’s all the same: debates that distract, and turn trivial things into spectacles that somehow warrant global attention. The media does a great job of comparing unimportant things and spinning them to hype up the public for no good reason — all in the […]
Revolutionary Meritocracy: A Peaceful Solution?
Revolution: the prospect invokes visions of violent uprisings: torches burning, breaking glass, and heads flying. This was the old way of doing things. The people were desperate, living in penurious conditions, and the oppressors were brutal savages, so it was only fitting that blood would flow. Nowadays, developed countries usually look for a more “feminine” […]
The Unfair World
Life isn’t fair. We hear this terrible excuse for the ills of this world all the time. It is meant to somehow ease the pain whenever something unfair happens to us. It is this kind of lazy thinking that allows the world to remain unfair. We are in need of some real parenting. Many great […]
The Spirit of Meritocracy
Oh, boy. Another new idea for a political system. Again with the brilliant attempts to fix our broken society. One more fad meant to whip up the masses into a frenzy for a couple of weeks. Haven’t we been here before? Well, if you must. Yawn—let’s get this over with. Many people resort to this […]
Streamlined Meritocracy: Trimming the Fat
Perspiring Economy We all know what happens when you consume more calories than you burn: you gain weight. Also well known is the outcome of allowing your weight gain to become habitual: a decline in health. What happens when your health continuously declines? Death. That’s it, folks. End of story. In health we see that […]
The Democratic Dodo: Beginning of the End
Let it go. Let it float down the Nile. Sing an impassioned spiritual for it. Swaddle democracy in a cute leather blanket. Place it gently in a basket woven by the finest underwater basket weaving overachievers in a junior college yet to be determined. Let the basket be constructed by 18-year-old “voters” to signify the […]