Super rich global capitalists live above the law. And then there’s the rest of us.
The Millionaire’s Estate Tax: So, What Gives?

So, what gives? What is the function of the Millionaire’s Estate Tax? It is a declaration of independence from the dead who have dictated the fate of the living. It is the economic guillotine designed to sever the global dynastic powers of extreme wealth and privilege, which deny countless others the opportunities to which they’re […]
America: The Platonic Plutocracy

At the most basic level, a plutocracy is rule by the rich. The super rich have control over the political process, ensuring that the government and its officials no longer act in the interests of the general will, but rather of the particular wills of wealthy persons. Those affluent individuals are most often guilty of […]
The Great Gatsby Curve and the Decline of the American Dream

The Great Gatsby is a great American novel and a literary classic, capturing the essence of an era. Written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald, the plot takes place over a few months during the summer of 1922 in the Long Island district of New York. Fitzgerald portrays an era of decay, both in moral […]
Dispelling the Myth

A common and misconstrued belief about Meritocracy is that it is an ideal from which arises the justification of entrenched elitism. Many have suggested that the word is merely a myth, or even an impossible standard—although admittedly virtuous—towards which we should strive. British writer Alan de Botton puts forth an argument that the trend in […]
A Royal R.I.P.-Off

What function does the royal family serve? What is the point in spending £200 million a year on an institution that has abdicated all of its responsibility? Why do we have a democracy wherein the head of state cannot be removed? The royal prerogative* and so-called powers of the prime minister allow the government to […]
That’s Meritocratic Democracy

Meritocracy is not what you’ve heard. Equal Opportunity for Every Child: That’s Meritocratic Democracy—true Meritocracy—the political, economic, and educational means by which humankind will transcend mediocrity and dissatisfaction, and transform life in this world into vibrant communities of fulfilled individuals who embody excellence. Free Market Democracy Whom does the market serve? Does it serve the […]
Osborne with a Silver Spoon

In a stereotypically feeble move recently, Chancellor George Osborne has pledged to “get tough” on banking regulations. He’s proposed a law which supposedly forces banks to stop what he calls “casino” banking, in response to the shocking LIBOR fixing scandal proliferated by RBS and other major banking institutions recently. Osborne hopes this will prevent any […]
Death Tax for the Top 1%

All assets and estates worth under $1,000,000 are exempt from 100% Inheritance Tax for at least two generations. You keep your property and are able to pass it on to your children if they wish to stay there. During this time the republic will have generated considerable wealth; this means you and your children will […]