M eritocracyParty.org is run by the Meritocracy International, an organisation dedicated to creating a world with equal opportunity for every child to thrive and live the fullest life possible.
We currently need $300 to pay for our server costs from April 30th 2014 to April 30th 2015, which will cover the maintenance of our volunteer-supported website MeritocracyParty.org.
If you share the ideal of a world with Equal Opportunity for Every Child, you can make a small donation via PayPal by clicking on the “Donate” button below, or via BitCoin.
Any support at all is greatly appreciated and immensely helpful. We’ll be thanking anyone who donates, through a footer on the MeritocracyParty.org website (if the benefactor wants to be publicly acknowledged—staying anonymous is fine as well, of course!).
Anything we raise over our goal will be destined towards future server costs, domain names, and projects that further Meritocratic Democracy.
Thank you,
The MeritocracyParty.org Team