Translated FAQs

T hanks to the work of many volunteer translators, we now have:

The Meritocracy FAQ in Spanish, German, Serbian and Turkish.
The Inheritance Tax FAQ in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Serbian and Turkish.

Thank you to: Dante Fenix (ES), Gereon (DE), Break Rules (SR), Mario Silvestre (PT) and Devrim Yozgat (TR) for their respective translations.

Are you interested in translating the FAQs into a language you speak fluently? Have you seen an improvement that can be made to one of our existing translations? Click on FAQ to check them all out.

Contact us by clicking here.

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   THE MERITOCRACY PARTY is creating a world where every child is guaranteed an equal opportunity to thrive. If you share this ideal, consider making a small donation to fund our servers, or join the MERITOCRACY INTERNATIONAL as a volunteer.

   We are artists, activists, writers, and intellectuals who crave an authentic and fair world. We feel the anomie of this age but we have a plan to fix it. Join us and create a better future‒make your grandkids proud.

Meritocracy Party

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