Perspiring Economy We all know what happens when you consume more calories than you burn: you gain weight. Also well known is the outcome of allowing your weight gain to become habitual: a decline in health. What happens when your health continuously declines? Death. That’s it, folks. End of story. In health we see that […]
The Immortal Army

In the famous Japanese comic “Naruto”, an immortal army, that can automatically rehabilitate itself in perpetuity after being wounded or killed, is summoned up against humanity. Since the dawn of man’s apprehension of the inevitability of death, people have been obsessed with immortality, roaming everywhere in search of immortalising agents. In ancient Chinese history, it […]
The Democratic Dodo: Beginning of the End

Let it go. Let it float down the Nile. Sing an impassioned spiritual for it. Swaddle democracy in a cute leather blanket. Place it gently in a basket woven by the finest underwater basket weaving overachievers in a junior college yet to be determined. Let the basket be constructed by 18-year-old “voters” to signify the […]
A Royal R.I.P.-Off

What function does the royal family serve? What is the point in spending £200 million a year on an institution that has abdicated all of its responsibility? Why do we have a democracy wherein the head of state cannot be removed? The royal prerogative* and so-called powers of the prime minister allow the government to […]
Inheritance Tax: A Love Story

What or whom do you love the most? Your family? Your girlfriend? Yourself? Well, what’s love got to do with it? If it does matter, how much do you love those people? And what would you do to preserve those whom you love so eloquently? Instead of saying that you love them all the time, […]
That’s Meritocratic Democracy

Meritocracy is not what you’ve heard. Equal Opportunity for Every Child: That’s Meritocratic Democracy—true Meritocracy—the political, economic, and educational means by which humankind will transcend mediocrity and dissatisfaction, and transform life in this world into vibrant communities of fulfilled individuals who embody excellence. Free Market Democracy Whom does the market serve? Does it serve the […]
Optimised Education in a Meritocratic Democracy

“Mainstream education doesn’t challenge students to become critical thinkers. We have to move beyond old forms in order to produce a better system overall. Current policies come mainly from folks who don’t do the job.”—Colin Neufeld What does the current education system offer individual students? Does it empower them to be agents of choice in […]
Meritocracy: What It Is, and What It Isn’t

The term Meritocracy derives from two terms: merit, which means value and/or demonstrable effort in a particular field of study and/or work, and the Greek word kratia, meaning that power is held by a particular entity. “Michael Young … critically defined it as a system where ‘merit is equated with intelligence-plus-effort, its possessors are identified at an early age […]