How rare, how firm is YOUR will? In Dante’s *Divine Comedy*, Gaius Mucius Scaevola’s is superlatively both.
The sad thing is, we know all of this already. No one is willing to do anything about it, no one ready to speak up for what they believe to be right and true, no one prepared to stand out from the “superstar” culture that has developed thanks to celebrity and media influence. Everyone passes the buck. No one is to blame. Just keep spending. That’s the message.
How about a new message? How about, instead of helping ourselves, we help each other? How about instead of watching “The X Factor” or “The Voice”, you read a book on something that will help develop your talents? How about instead of dreaming of being a hero, you become a hero?
The biggest idea of all at the moment though—how about instead of tolerating a government that only sees you as a piggy bank to be permanently smashed, you stand up to these corrupt aristocrats and let someone more educated, someone who understands what is best for the country and its people, take the reins?
http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/68335 by HundredPercent Inheritance-Tax