T he typical super-rich man has no interest in helping the public and no ability to do so, anyway. Most super-rich people specialize in one thing: making themselves richer. If they actually cared about society they would not hoard wealth. They would not pay politicians to pass laws that damage the rest of us. Even if a billionaire has a change of heart in his old age, and decides to give to charity, he doesn’t have the right skills for improving society.
Bill Gates spent his entire life learning how to destroy small companies before they could grow big enough to compete with Microsoft. Now he wants to donate his plundered fortune. But is he qualified? Wouldn’t a team of the best experts from medicine, engineering, economics, sociology, and psychology make smarter choices than William Henry Gates the Third? Why has Bill Gates been given this power? Because he was greedier than his competitors? Because he was ruthless in padding his bank account?