Isn’t it my choice to determine how I dispose of my assets? 1,100 billionaires have double the assets of the world’s poorest 2.5 billion people. The vast majority of people have little to no assets to pass on to their children. If you want fairness and justice in society it is essential that there be a measure […]
Archive | March, 2013
Meritocracy in 100 Words
The meaning of Meritocracy, from the minds of Meritocrats: “…united by reason and distinguished by talent.”
Meritocracy FAQ
Aren’t the meritorious already running society? Politicians don’t have merit as leaders because they don’t care about you and don’t act for your benefit. Even if politicians wanted to improve the world, none of them are smart enough to do it. Career politicians specialize in smiling and shaking hands; they are two-faced power brokers who […]