Why do you think throwing money at education will improve it?

R esearch has exposed the classroom system as archaic; the school system has failed to adapt since the industrial revolution. Teaching experts have researched and developed new forms of learning and demonstrated how they work, but incompetent and corrupt politicians have ignored these superior methods.

A Meritocratic state doesn’t throw money at the problem. Rather, a meritocratic state is all about finding and engaging intelligence, about putting the smartest people to work. The Meritocratic motto is “Don’t throw money at a problem! Use intelligence!” Experimentation, passion, creativity, and the smartest experts in the world—these are the forces that will improve education. Money alone will never be enough. What we need is the experience and intelligence of our brightest educators and researchers—the meritorious. Meritocracy doesn’t just make resources available; it gives these experts the power they need to create a next-generation education system—one that will lead to our Star Trek future.

   THE MERITOCRACY PARTY is creating a world where every child is guaranteed an equal opportunity to thrive. If you share this ideal, consider making a small donation to fund our servers, or join the MERITOCRACY INTERNATIONAL as a volunteer.

   We are artists, activists, writers, and intellectuals who crave an authentic and fair world. We feel the anomie of this age but we have a plan to fix it. Join us and create a better future‒make your grandkids proud.

CASPER SAUL joined THE MERITOCRACY PARTY in 2012. His activism focuses on economic equality--justice for the "bottom billion" whose cultures were dismantled by colonialism before being exploited by capitalism. Casper believes that guaranteed equal opportunity for every child is the only way to end the poverty caused by the financial oligarchy's concentration of wealth. He supports the MILLIONAIRE INHERITANCE TAX as the ideal policy to realize justice for impoverished communities that have been economically abused by the 1%.

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