C ommunists also wore hats, ate sausage, and used cutlery. Does that make hats, sausages, and cutlery communist? Did you know that Hitler drank tea? Maybe you should do a Sieg Heil every time you take a sip, because drinking tea obviously makes you a Nazi.
Meritocracy is not the same as communism. Everyone will not be paid the same, and economic competition will still occur. Meritocracy operates according to social capitalism–capitalism overseen by economists working for the general good, not for the financial oligarchy. These economists will use free markets as part of a planned strategy to maximize economic achievement–the market will be controlled by the government, not vice versa.Meritocracy advocates equal opportunity, but not equal outcome. This means that anyone can still get rich, but that they are not allowed to use their wealth as a weapon to undermine the opportunities of other people’s children.