Many have cleared out. Good. It is a thinning of the less dedicated so that our cause consists only of the core competencies of adherents and activists. Now we are a stronger group, and at this rate those of the highest caliber and merit will lead us. The initial phase was that of the introduction […]
An Introduction to Meritocratic Democracy

Any rational person can see that our world in terms of human experience is disturbingly botched. Oppression is the rampant reality under a global pretense of equality, rendering impossible any healthy and altruistic society, as a few rich elites improve the ease of their lifestyles at the expense of the poor. Slavery, war, disease, famine, […]
The Real Problem and the Real Hero

“In France, in 1789, the people revolted because they were starving to death. Their lives were at stake.”—Anonymous, alias “220” Today, especially in developed countries, nearly none of our lives are at stake. Almost no one is starving, not even most of the poor. In fact, most of them are very happy to perform a […]

Anarchism is generally defined as the political philosophy which holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, or alternatively as opposing authority and hierarchical organization in the conduct of human relations. Proponents of anarchism, known as “anarchists”, advocate stateless societies based on non-hierarchical, voluntary associations. Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from […]
Meritocracy in 100 Words

The meaning of Meritocracy, from the minds of Meritocrats: “…united by reason and distinguished by talent.”
Meritocracy FAQ

Aren’t the meritorious already running society? Politicians don’t have merit as leaders because they don’t care about you and don’t act for your benefit. Even if politicians wanted to improve the world, none of them are smart enough to do it. Career politicians specialize in smiling and shaking hands; they are two-faced power brokers who […]