Before the internet gained popularity, if you did something disgraceful, basically only very few people would hear of it, and once they did, they would soon forget it. Nowadays, your friends know it, your family knows it, your colleague knows it, your boss knows it, strangers know it, your great-great-grandson knows it — everyone knows […]
Anti-Heroism: Part I

Ironman versus Superman When we were kids, almost every one of us yearned to be a hero, with godlike capabilities, flying aloft among the skyscrapers, ensuring the good and sorting out the bad — above all, garnering honor from all of humanity. This is the official version of heroism inside every kid’s heart. Hollywood producers […]
Chicago: Not Quite Detroit — Yet

Rahm Emanuel is a multimillionaire investment banker and the Mayor of Chicago, Illinois. “Mayor 1%” is indeed a man by, for and of the privileged elite. Emanuel is attempting to bring to fruition the dream of Ronald Reagan. Together they show that irrelevant of partisanship, politicians work towards the same end. The dream is encapsulated […]
King George Alexander Louis

Welcome to Great Britain — where greatness comes to those lucky enough to be born into the “right family”. Our Future King The Daily Mail tells us that in 50 years time we’ll be expected to bow and scrape like the commoners we are to King George Alexander Louis. Are they insane? Think about that. […]